Sunday, August 5, 2007

Arahanta Sutta

Suttanta Pitaka



Devataasa.myutta.m (Devas 諸天相應)


Discourse on the Arahat 25.

(The deva said )

"The bhikkhu who is an arahat, who has accomplished the task (of Magga Practice), in whom the befuddling defilements are extinct, and who bears the last burden of existence (having no more rebirth), would such a bhikkhu say, ' I speak' or would he say ' I am spoken to?"

(The Bhagava said )

" The bhikkhu who is an arahat, who has accomplished the task (of Magga Practice), in whom befuddling defilements are extinct, and who bears the last burden of existence, might say ' I speak', or might say ' I am spoken to'. Knowing and being skilled in the conventional terms of the world, he might use such terms merely as conventional terms."

(The deva said )

"The bhikkhu-who is an arahat, who has accomplished the task (of Magga Practice), in whom the befuddling defilements are extinct, and who bears the last burden of existence, would such a bhikkhu say, out of conceit, ' I speak'. or would he say 'I am spoken to?"

(The Bhagava said )

A bhikkhu who has given up conceit has no bonds; he has destroyed all bonds of conceit. Such a wise one has passed beyond all concepts of 'mine', 'I' and 'my Self' (being motivated by Craving, conceit and wrong view).

Such a bhikkhu might say ' I speak', or might say 'I am spoken to'.

Knowing and being skilled in the conventional terms of the world, he might use such terms merely as conventional terms."

Chinese Version:

二五 第五 阿罗汉

  天神:完了应所为漏尽最后身 阿罗汉比丘犹言如我语 人人语我物应如是言乎

  世尊:完了应所为漏尽最后身 阿罗汉比丘犹言如我语 人人语我物虽然如是言 世称巧知者唯依惯例称

  天神:完了应所为漏尽最后身 阿罗汉比丘彼依于我慢 犹言如我语人人语我物

  世尊:皆舍我慢锁尽除不存在 超谬想贤者犹言如我语 人人语我物此世巧称呼唯依惯例称

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